Human Seeking; Hug Coach!

She hugged me so hard I damn near cried and I never stopped thinking about it! But more about that in a moment. Recently I’ve been giving some serious thought to the way I hug other humans. I want to embrace them not just with my arms but also with my heart. As though I […]

Why I love California; Reason #5420

Welcome back to my personal digital daily, where I give you the reader a glimpse into my life. ~ Alex Lieberman So without further ado, This is Eloquent Grammar Society, I hope nobody is reading but if you are, please keep these to yourself. ~ Steven Bartlett “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that […]

I want you to live in a Utopian Paradise

I want you to live in a place the WIFI is strong, the beer is cheap, and the people are pleasant. I’ve been to this place and I want to show it to you. One of the benefits of the pandemic was that most of us were untethered from our office jobs. This afforded me […]

I’ve made an irreversible decision!

I’ve cracked the metaphorical egg of life! Now that it has been cracked there is no putting it back together. The yolk is pouring out and it’s time to “Make the damn egg already” or clean my mess in shame, turn, and run. Let me back up a few paces and just explain this “Make […]

Tea Lover Essentials

Some of the best teas I have had. Ranked in order of preferred : Wake up, Buttercup! Morning Mojo’s boost will help you take charge of the day. This breakfast blend pairs pu-erh with the ideal black teas to create a perfectly rounded morning cuppa. Pu-erh, known for its effective caffeine punch, has been used […]

1 Month and 3 Days with Blueground Chicago

Was able to get a great deal on a place in Chicago at the end of winter beginning of spring. Blueground pricing methodology is a bit complicated and unorganized but in those complications and chaos, you can sometimes find amazing deals. I was able to get this highrise apartment in the Streeterville neighborhood of Chicago […]

Notes on Clubhouse: 3 methods to monetization

Clubhouse is a new audio-driven social media application. The app allows you to broadcast or join in with a group of friends or an interesting subject. It has a lot of social aspects that also encourage involvement from your friends and the community. The company has no obvious path to profitability and faces significant challenges […]

10 Unspoken rules commonly used in digital correspondence rituals:

As time progresses on and we evolve from time to time we have to adjust our understanding of the way we communicate with each other. Now that majority of the conversations or conducted with technology as oppose to face-to-face there are certain guidelines one should follow in order to communicate effectively. Below you will find […]

90 Days of Sobriety

A little disappointing I want to get this out of the way if you need help with alcohol; get it, do what it takes to get better. For your mental and physical health, the benefits are probably amazing. I am probably not an alcoholic but my identity is closely tied to my ability to order […]

My Secret Competitors, Volume II; The Lifestyle

So I listen to My First Million podcast. I have been for a bit, not religiously, they release too much content and they cut longer content into smaller bite-size portions. So they must release something every day. Their podcast is normally about business ideas and some interviews with business leaders. The rapport between the two […]

My Secret Competitors, Volume I; The Inspiration

For the past few days, I have been religiously listening to Caroline Choi’s podcast. Personally, I think it’s absolutely amazing. It’s beautifully unscripted and raw. I love her imperfections and authentic self, she speaks as though she just venting to a close friend and it feels like you get a peek into her real life […]

We are in a Recession Right Now!

A recession is calculated by two-quarters of declining growth, so we won’t know we’re in a recession until 6 months after it has already begun. It was April 27, 2022, when I started writing this post. On April 28th the day I am posting this the US GDP announced it shrank. And the government has […]

Just a daily Entry

I had a bunch of errands today but no excuses I really slacked off towards the end of the day. I didn’t really push the needle any further today. Just preparing for travel and getting ready for work. I read a bit of the Richest Man in Babylon. Might pick up too smart to be […]

It’s in the nature of humanity to overreach

It’s human nature to overreach, or it’s in the nature of humanity to overreach The world is not filled with limits but our minds, bodies, and time available are filled with limitations. But there are always those insisting on pushing the limits and overreaching. Whether that’s a land grab just because they are next door […]

Running tab on Life Hacks

Using Facebook Private to Back up all my photos Facebook converts all your photos to jpeg but it also severely degrades the quality. Day 13 completely forgot

A Running Tab of all the things I would fix at Apple

Name Merge – Adding exact same names to contacts in the iPhone merges the two for some reason. I was adding another Emily Park to my phone and after I saved it the phone automatically merged it with another Emily Park I already had saved in my phone. Even after I manually deleted the duplicate […]