I’ve made an irreversible decision!

I’ve cracked the metaphorical egg of life! Now that it has been cracked there is no putting it back together. The yolk is pouring out and it’s time to “Make the damn egg already” or clean my mess in shame, turn, and run.

Let me back up a few paces and just explain this “Make and egg” analogy. I listen to three people consistently now. They provide inspiration, ideas, resources, and mentorship. It’s completely a one-way relationship, they’ll upload their podcast, YouTube Video, or email into my inbox and I consume, take notes, and reflect. Today’s episode had a small segment about a TikTok person that makes the perfect egg and shows you in 30 seconds. Well if you watch the video 100 times you still won’t know how to make an egg until you get your ass up, walk away from the screen, and get in the kitchen to “Make the damn egg already!” This segment was served up with a healthy side of Q&A. The question was “What’s the best way to grow an audience?” The answer was, “That’s a lazy and horrible question!” So many are growing an audience online or building in public and if you haven’t taken note of what they are doing you have failed the first step. The combination of these two pieces of poignant advice was a one-two punch in the face. Stop watching other people make an egg and go get messy yourself.

In all fairness, I don’t care about growing an audience despite all the pros I have heard about it. I would much rather build something quietly and have that item provide me with a comfortable lifestyle. I like my privacy far too much to let it go. The reason I blog is to keep some accountability, track my progress, and flush out ideas that may be residing up there in this chaotic sack of neurons and synapses, called my brain.

Lastly, in order to track progress and keep me accountable. I updated the YXchange app for the Yucatan Pennisula, I need to update and upload the video I made for KISSIKO, and look into consolidating all the websites I own. Need to start thinking about a marketing plan for Roller Ball App and figuring out how to build HighVauleCities. I have a few addons to put into Slyder Timer. Also as a side note, this blog post should also take me about 30-60 minutes to create, proofread, and distribute. With an average read of about 5 minutes. Also, this is Day 8.

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