Posts Categorized: Digital Nomad

Running tab on Life Hacks

Using Facebook Private to Back up all my photos Facebook converts all your photos to jpeg but it also severely degrades the quality. Day 13 completely forgot

A Running Tab of all the things I would fix at Apple

Name Merge – Adding exact same names to contacts in the iPhone merges the two for some reason. I was adding another Emily Park to my phone and after I saved it the phone automatically merged it with another Emily Park I already had saved in my phone. Even after I manually deleted the duplicate […]

Why I love California; Reason #5420

Welcome back to my personal digital daily, where I give you the reader a glimpse into my life. ~ Alex Lieberman So without further ado, This is Eloquent Grammar Society, I hope nobody is reading but if you are, please keep these to yourself. ~ Steven Bartlett “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that […]

I want you to live in a Utopian Paradise

I want you to live in a place the WIFI is strong, the beer is cheap, and the people are pleasant. I’ve been to this place and I want to show it to you. One of the benefits of the pandemic was that most of us were untethered from our office jobs. This afforded me […]

I’ve made an irreversible decision!

I’ve cracked the metaphorical egg of life! Now that it has been cracked there is no putting it back together. The yolk is pouring out and it’s time to “Make the damn egg already” or clean my mess in shame, turn, and run. Let me back up a few paces and just explain this “Make […]

This makes it awkward…

Having to write/document every day the journey that I am pursuing makes it awkward when I have done nothing to push the needle forward in the day. At least nothing I would consider as pushing the needle forward. I need practical GOALS! And just do them. Today, I recorded a short 40-second video for KISSIKO […]

Why I Choose Blogging vs other Publication Mediums

After hearing about the diary challenge and accepting it my immediate response was to go for a blog. The challenge was to document your experience building whatever business you were doing at the time in whatever format you wanted. This means you can do it in video form and start a YouTube channel, you could […]

Day 6: Trip to Burbank

This will be super short because I only went to Burbank today. Meet and hung out with some very cool people but I was tired before I went up there and I am super tired now 7 hours later. But we talked about a property they purchased in Texas and buying royalty rights to songs. […]

The 4 Mistakes Made by the Federal Reserve sending the United States into a Recession

The Federal Reserve’s starting point for monetary policy lift-off was far too late. The economy was already overheating by the time they started reacting. We think they were wrong about the labor market. We think they were surprised by how fast the labor market tightened. The participation rate has not come back to the degree […]