Posts Categorized: Digital Nomad

Why is there so much spam?

I keep getting comments on the post about “Some women looking for a man just click this link” or so many multiple emails that make it through my Gmail filter… These are obviously phishing attempts to get some information or some kind of scam but they keep showing up in my inbox. Simple man’s solution […]

What makes the best city; Curiosity

During the pandemic, I was fortunate to be able to travel to many cities and live there for a least a month. Some of the cities included Tulum, MX, Austin, TX, Omaha, NE, Chicago, IL, Denver, CO, Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Las Vegas, NV, and Newport Beach, CA. My experiences in these […]

90 Days of Sobriety

A little disappointing I want to get this out of the way if you need help with alcohol; get it, do what it takes to get better. For your mental and physical health, the benefits are probably amazing. I am probably not an alcoholic but my identity is closely tied to my ability to order […]

My Secret Competitors, Volume II; The Lifestyle

So I listen to My First Million podcast. I have been for a bit, not religiously, they release too much content and they cut longer content into smaller bite-size portions. So they must release something every day. Their podcast is normally about business ideas and some interviews with business leaders. The rapport between the two […]

My Secret Competitors, Volume I; The Inspiration

For the past few days, I have been religiously listening to Caroline Choi’s podcast. Personally, I think it’s absolutely amazing. It’s beautifully unscripted and raw. I love her imperfections and authentic self, she speaks as though she just venting to a close friend and it feels like you get a peek into her real life […]

We are in a Recession Right Now!

A recession is calculated by two-quarters of declining growth, so we won’t know we’re in a recession until 6 months after it has already begun. It was April 27, 2022, when I started writing this post. On April 28th the day I am posting this the US GDP announced it shrank. And the government has […]

Just a daily Entry

I had a bunch of errands today but no excuses I really slacked off towards the end of the day. I didn’t really push the needle any further today. Just preparing for travel and getting ready for work. I read a bit of the Richest Man in Babylon. Might pick up too smart to be […]

It’s in the nature of humanity to overreach

It’s human nature to overreach, or it’s in the nature of humanity to overreach The world is not filled with limits but our minds, bodies, and time available are filled with limitations. But there are always those insisting on pushing the limits and overreaching. Whether that’s a land grab just because they are next door […]

Human Seeking; Hug Coach!

She hugged me so hard I damn near cried and I never stopped thinking about it! But more about that in a moment. Recently I’ve been giving some serious thought to the way I hug other humans. I want to embrace them not just with my arms but also with my heart. As though I […]