What makes the best city; Curiosity

During the pandemic, I was fortunate to be able to travel to many cities and live there for a least a month. Some of the cities included Tulum, MX, Austin, TX, Omaha, NE, Chicago, IL, Denver, CO, Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Las Vegas, NV, and Newport Beach, CA. My experiences in these cities were mixed some were amazing and some were just okay. After this traveling, I started working on a theory the best cities are made up of a mixture of energy and curiosity. The cities where I had the best interactions were cities that had good infrastructure, and the ability to get good healthy food options within walking distance, but most important was the people having curiosity.

In Austin, a young city due to the college located there, most of the outgoing public are interesting in new experiences, meeting new people, and trying new things. Most of the people I met were interested in what was going on in my life and how they connect further. The genuine interest in connecting is amazing. Additionally, the area has lots of places set up for single people that are great conduits for conversation. Rainy Street is amazing, Second Street is pretty good, Sixth Street use to be okay but it’s pretty sleazy now. All great places to meet people.

Completely contrasting to Austin is Newport Beach. The area is spread out and not walkable at all. Once you do get to a place pretty much every place is a restaurant with a tiny bar or no bar at all. Most eateries are set up for families. This is great for the average “Family” with 2.3 kids and a white picket fence, but I don’t live that lifestyle. Additionally, I have maybe had one spontaneous conversation with a stranger and that conversation lasted about 3 minutes. The general public in Newport Beach is content with only knowing the people they already know and grew up with and not exploring new options for conversations or ideas.

This is just my point of view as a single person.

This is also Day 21 writing. Double posted on Sunday but skipped Monday. I can’t dedicate much time to writing I have an opportunity to get far ahead in my work process and need to take it. Plus I want to focus on moving the needle more than writing.

I need to learn HubSpot.

I need to figure out what’s better for HVC Database or JSON file.

About the Author


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