Building KISSIKO

So I have been building this app for the last two years, on and off weekends only. There are many issues with building this app and I still need to do small stuff like create a master plan for the app and how it will help society as a whole. But first some of the challenges so far.

This image above was a very vexing issue of the image’s aspect ratio not being displayed at the correct size. Apple pointed this out and a quick solution was to create another ChatView window where the images are displayed at the full aspect ratio of whatever they came in from the source (firebase). But this still left the conversation looking very odd. As you can see just a hairball of an image vs. you can clearly see a puppy in the picture.

The current issue we are working on is getting the AI to complete a full image recognition with the photos that have been uploaded. Our training set is only 43 items of clothing so anything else just confuses Kissiko and it just picks some random thing, so far its go-to is sunglasses.

And we need to finish correcting about 20,000 lines of conversation for the NLP. Fun times.

Some of the ongoing expiration battles:

  • Apple developer account expires in January and has to be renewed at a cost of $99 annually
  • Apple certificate identifier profile expires in June and has to be renewed at no cost but takes a bit of time to recreate a new certificate and add it to your profile
  • NOIP account expires every month and has to be renewed at no cost it only takes a few clicks to renew. This is the free version but can be upgraded to the Enhanced Dynamic DNS for $1.99 a month. This DNS completely expires in May and has to be renewed at no cost annually. This is called “hostname entered redemption period” and a new one has to be created to continue service. The NOIP service allows the firebase to talk to the app without any downtime

Day 29 Writing Challenge 15 minutes Edited to include expiration battles on June 11th 2022

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