This story changed the way I poop forever…

After hearing this story I never pooped the same again

So this story comes from my secret competitor volume II. They have been keeping a steady paste of uploading great content. On a side note my competitor volume I has been slipping on posting regularly. This may have played a role in my lack of posting but it’s time for me to get back on my dope shit.

This excerpt is edited for clarity from MFM

“Sometimes you have to know when to be general and when to be specific. He goes, sometimes it will tell you, you need to be more specific with what you want. That means, like, the type of description my cousin gave, about the lifestyle. That description he gave is not just a car, it’s a lifestyle. And, and then the second thing is like, when do you be vague when do you be general? So, to my trainer, I was like what if I don’t know what I want? He said what’s your body goal? I’d said, Well, I don’t really have a picture of what I want, I could say I want a 12 pack, but I don’t even know if that’s true? I was like, I don’t know exactly what I want. He’s like, cool, just imagine satisfaction. He goes, first just get to a place of feeling satisfied where you don’t stress about it. You’re not stressed about it anymore? He goes, you know, relief is a very powerful emotion satisfaction is a powerful emotion because most people feel relieved one time a day. And it’s when they poop goes, and now people bring their phone in and they’re not even paying attention. They miss it. They miss out on the one moment of relief they were going to have that day. He goes so I get good at feeling relief. I want to practice feeling relieved and satisfied. Because once you get good at feeling relieved and satisfied. You know what things you want. You’re faster to figure out what things you want that will lead back to that emotion. And like you’re just better at being satisfied from a meal or a workout or whatever it is; these daily things that happen in your life. So he says, let’s make a deal is like, I’m going to be relieved more times than I pooped today. And it’s like, that’s the goal.

photo of woman sitting on stairs
Photo by luizclas on

So that little snippet is the goal to be relived more times than stressed more times than the one time I get in while sitting on the toilet. That one blissful moment of relief shall not be my only and I will not miss out on that one moment. Side note ever Freud said the second stage of Psychosexual Pleasures is Anal. I will not let technology get in the way of this basic pleasure anymore.

Day 25

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