It’s in the nature of humanity to overreach

It’s human nature to overreach, or it’s in the nature of humanity to overreach

The world is not filled with limits but our minds, bodies, and time available are filled with limitations. But there are always those insisting on pushing the limits and overreaching. Whether that’s a land grab just because they are next door to them and they can or buying a company just because they are a power user and they have the money to do so.

Heads of state, that get drunk off their own power and have no one to subside their lust for more power have decided to do a land grab. This will inevitably end badly for both the people caught in the crossfire and the overlord imposing his will upon others.

Titans of industry, that get emersed in their own worldview and are surrounded by yes men have decided to buy the world’s discord. This will prove to be a messy transition and both users of the platform and the newly appointed CEO’s reputation will be tarnished.

This is just a random thought, I have not completely worked out yet.

Day 15.

How did I move the needle;

I replaced WP SEO with hubspot. I am still getting used to it.

I made a coffee date with a Merrill Lynch Wealth Advisor

I am still trying to pick one item to tackle, I may need to “eat the frog” so to speak, and just do some data entry for the next week or so until the NLP for KISSIKO is completed.

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