Why I Choose Blogging vs other Publication Mediums

After hearing about the diary challenge and accepting it my immediate response was to go for a blog.

The challenge was to document your experience building whatever business you were doing at the time in whatever format you wanted. This means you can do it in video form and start a YouTube channel, you could do an audio recording and start a podcast, or anything. I decided to do a blog for several reasons.

  1. The written word is not dead. Copywriting is very important and although most social media is built around videos we read a lot of what we see as far as ads and other content.
  2. The need to not want to be famous at all
  3. Bad voice for audio
  4. Not having the proper equipment for video or audio recordings
  5. The translatable skills set. I feel like if you learn to write well you will be able to translate those skills into any industry and any subset of titles.

Day 6 in the writting challenge

About the Author


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